May 2017

SaaS Software Load Testing

SaaS Software Load Testing is one of the most critical steps of the cycle of development. If such action is not performed, all the efforts of the developer can go in vain. Before releasing a software product for public use, it is exceptionally important for the developer to do load testing and identify the issues. Sometimes, your application may perform perfectly when a single user connected...

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Learn to Protect Your Data in the Cloud. These days, storing data on ‘cloud’ (meaning an option of keeping digital files on virtual storage platforms) has become more and more preferable for most people. As compared to using typical storage devices such as ‘flash drives’, USBs, CDs, and other devices for such purpose, it is relatively more convenient to utilize....

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Incorporation Options

Incorporation Options. No matter if you have already purchased a business or planning to start a brand new company, it is important for you to decide on the type of the business structure you would like to set up before you move forward with operations. There are several business types (or entities) to select from depending on the type and the scale of your company....

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