
Procure to Pay Connect > Entrepreneur  > Operations (Page 2)
Incorporation Options

Incorporation Options. No matter if you have already purchased a business or planning to start a brand new company, it is important for you to decide on the type of the business structure you would like to set up before you move forward with operations. There are several business types (or entities) to select from depending on the type and the scale of your company....

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Reasons to Incorporate a Business

Reasons to incorporate a business. A considerable number of entrepreneurs – even some of the savviest – barely understand the basics of setting up a corporation. Despite the lack of knowledge, incorporating a business is essential for a business to assure its stability in the long run. This article is written mentioning the options an entrepreneur can consider in incorporating a business....

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fire up your employees

Fire-Up your employees every chance you get. The success of any business establishment is directly proportional to how fired-up and motivated the employees are. That is logical to comprehend. Although customers and clients are often regarded as the soul of the business, employees are the very lifeblood of it, ensuring its optimal performance and excellent service deliveries. Low morale can lead to poor cooperation, low productivity, and...

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Separation of Duties Excellence

Separation of Duties is an essential component of both risk management and business-related internal controls. The fundamental principles of Separation of Duties are based on a simple premise of shared responsibility for all fundamental processes that inevitably have to disperse the critical functions to more than one department or person....

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