eInvoicing Services Providers – How to Know When the Right One Comes Along

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eInvoicing Services Providers – How to Know When the Right One Comes Along

eInvoicing Services Providers – How to Know When the Right One Comes Along

EInvoicing services are great in that you can choose to implement it using your business resources, or an eInvoicing service provider can do all the work for you. It’s always better to use the second option because the implementation of an eInvoicing system can be demanding regarding both time and money. However, selecting a suitable eInvoicing services provider can also be a challenging task. How do you make sure that you choose the right provider? Here are some tips you’ll certainly find to be useful when reaching your final decision.


B2B Documents and Standards Support

Support for documents and standards are the first things you have to check about with your future eInvoicing services provider. It’s essential that their services cover all types of B2B documents and appropriate communication standards. It’s not an easy task to stay up-to-date with all B2B technical standards, or different versions of the same rules while conducting business with your trading partners. That’s why your eInvoicing services provider has to take care of it.


Support of your trading community

Your provider has to find a way to ensure the support of your trading community. You can implement perfect eInvoicing services, but without the backing of your business partners and suppliers, this system will eventually fail to fulfill its primary purpose.


Additional Integration Options

Successful eInvoicing implementation is all about integration. It’s your provider’s responsibility to offer your company the full scope of integration mechanism, which will include the web, mobile forms, accounting packages, ERP systems, and similar.


Multi-Lingual with Global Support

This criterion is an absolute must for all the main eInvoicing services providers. Nowadays, all companies in need of eInvoicing are conducting business in numerous countries and corresponding in different languages through at least a couple of time zones. All of these require that your provider offers reliable and efficient multi-lingual support on the global level.


Cloud Components and eInvoicing Services

Cloud solutions have become an inevitable part of modern business. It comes without saying that your provider has to include these elements in the eInvoicing services you are about to deploy for your business. Also, the providers need to have the necessary cloud security certifications.


Flexibility and adjustments

Timely adjustments to specific regulation changes are essential for eInvoicing services. Keeping up-to-date with new regulations and policy changes, which may influence your business is your eInvoicing services provider responsibility. If your supplier can’t guarantee or prove a successful track record when it comes to the flexibility of his services, then you know that he isn’t the perfect match for your company’s eInvoicing needs.



You can use these tips as a checklist when reaching the final decision about the most suitable eInvoicing service provider for your business. You’ve already made one right decision when you decided to find an eInvoicing provider instead of implementing and running it all on your own. Now, you’re only one step closer to get what your business needs with the eInvoicing system. There’s no perfect eInvoicing solution, but if you choose the right partner, you will end up saving money with your improved processes.




Joe Flynn is a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur who created Lavante, Inc. Lavante was started with the vision using Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and advanced Data Extraction techniques to transform the traditionally manual-based Account Payable Recovery industry. Lavante Was acquired by PRGX Inc. in November 2017. Joe is currently working on a new venture using Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to transform trade partner communications across the entire supply chain.