5 Powerful Benefits of a Supplier Network

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5 Powerful Benefits of a Supplier Network


5 Benefits of Supplier Networks

Supplier Network integration can be the key to unlocking the highest ROI from your financial automation tools.


Nowadays, many organizations are looking for new ways to benefit from their supplier relationship by reducing costs and prioritizing saving objectives.


However, the key to successful improvement of supplier relationships should not be limited to these financial components. We should also consider advances in order placement, payment, and dispute resolution systems if the supplier relationship reaches new quality and efficiency levels.


In this sense, the supplier network presents itself as a powerful ally, which is supposed to strengthen and improve your supplier relationship.

What is a Supplier Network?

Benefits of a Vendor networkIn a nutshell, a Supplier Network is a virtual platform where suppliers and buyers can connect and engage.


Supplier networks enable us to take a global look at the whole vendor management and procurement process at a high level.


Additionally, supplier networks offer you a much better understanding of your supply chain partners and the materials that you need to manage your business.


Globalization and just-in-time product delivery are making the process of discovering the best vendors for your business more and more difficult.


Supplier Networks enable users to accelerate the procurement cycle leading to prompt choice of items, shipments, and payments. Engaging partners over a network will decrease mistakes and improve information flow.


Here are some of the most important ways supplier networks can significantly transform your existing supplier relationship positively:


Streamlining Data Entry

Streamline Data entry supplier informationYour supplier network will work hand-in-hand with your various automated systems, which simplify the process and minimize required time, including other expenses associated with your organization’s daily activities.


A supplier network provides a software infrastructure that connects your suppliers electronically and allows them to be more efficient and productive.


Configurability to the Buyer’s required format makes possible flexible management of product data. Data will be displayed according to the change in consumer preferences.


Suppliers can introduce new line items into the inventory at a specific price, following the specifications. Also, the configuration enables suppliers to update product information concerning specifications and other price requirements, which are following the agreement.


The process enables suppliers to update product information to the end-user or the Buyer. It ensures that suppliers can meet the demands of the customers.


The configuring of the data into the required format happens within the supplier portal, which provides manufacturers and consumers an online tool for managing products.


Updates are delivered compatibly with the specifications of the manufacturer, as well as the customer.


The use of a portal across your supplier account reduces the need for suppliers to manually update product data each time there is a change in the specification.


An easy way to manage product data processes is for suppliers to use Online Pricing Software. Online Pricing Software provides all the needed information on product specifications. It allows suppliers to update data in real-time. It also facilitates automatic updates of product data whenever new product information is updated.


Reduction of Purchasing Cycles

As soon as the providers are linked electronically in the network, placing and receiving orders becomes much quicker, simpler, and efficient.


Buyers can quickly execute orders by using automated electronic protocols and automating the document handling processes.


Suppliers only have to sign in to their local portal to receive and evaluate all relevant information and updates.


The customer can offer a choice between multiple payment options, including electronic payments.


Speed to cash is an excellent benefit for a customer to Improve satisfaction and build trust with a supplier.


Additionally, using a supplier network and related automation software can enable your purchasing department to share valuable information across your enterprise with other departments.


Easier Supplier Catalog Content Management

Product catalog 3rd party informationUndoubtedly, one of the most time-consuming aspects of supplier relationship management is associated with supplier catalogs.


Thanks to the supplier network, you can implement a fully automated catalog management system. All necessary catalog and pricing-related updates run smoothly and provide you with an instant overview of the current situation in real-time.


Configurability to the Buyer’s required format makes possible the flexible management of product data. The current manual product data updating process frequently benefits from the reduction of information loss and payment errors.


Suppliers can introduce new line items into the inventory at a specific price, following the contract’s specification. Also, the configuration enables suppliers to update discount and rebate terms as well.


All of this ensures that vendors can meet the customers’ demands in a timely and orderly fashion.


The process of configuring the required data formats is also initiated within the supplier portals. It is providing both the manufacturer and the consumer a real-time tool for managing product and category information.


Ensuring Contract Pricing Compliance

The modern business environment makes it very hard to keep track of all supplier negotiated contract terms and requirements.


Additionally, you are often required to conduct business operations with many subjects and handle many locations’ demands. A supplier network will allow you to ensure compliance with vendor contracts thanks to its robust software infrastructure and numerous access points.


There is no need for suppliers to manually update product data each time there is a change in the specification. An easy way to manage product data is for suppliers to use Pricing Software.


Pricing Software provides all the needed information on product specifications. It allows suppliers to update data in real-time. It also facilitates automatic updates of product data.


The pricing compliance process includes three primary activities.


1)     Ensuring contract pricing compliance

2)     Monitoring contract pricing compliance

3)     Developing standardized price templates.


The first two activities are often interdependent and also dependent upon the third activity.


For instance, an effective monitoring process for ensuring contract pricing compliance requires ensuring contract pricing compliance policies are in place.


Next, you need to create policy enforcement actions and developing standardized price templates.


You need to review your process periodically to revise your strategy to ensure compliance with the company’s contract requirements.


Monitoring contract pricing compliance is essential to ensure that prices set in contracts are accurate and reflect the actual cost of doing business.


By creating and monitoring and enforcing pricing policies and procedures, you can ensure that your pricing is accurate and reflects the actual costs of doing business and avoiding penalties for errors and omissions.


As you monitor your pricing, you may also detect trends and deviations from the standard price and use this information to address issues before they become problematic and create changes in the contract so that these problems do not recur.


Once you have identified problems, you can manage the issues and correct them before they cause price inflation or other negative results.


A second important aspect of ensuring consistent pricing is to develop standardized price quotes that reflect the prices that you will charge to your, clients, vendors, partners, and sub-contractors.


Standard price quotes ensure that all parties understand the terms for services in the agreed-upon amount. In addition to ensuring uniform pricing across all services and products, a standardized price quote provides a baseline starting point.  The negotiation and contracting based on the agreed-upon price can begin.


Reduction of Payment Cycles

A fully automated supplier network can dramatically influence the reduction of your payment cycles.


How? Well, with the help of a network, your suppliers only have to load an invoice or “flip” a purchase order into an invoice.


The invoices will be then immediately and automatically sent back to the customers themselves. Additionally, your suppliers can check and track all relevant payment statuses online.


This means more time for you to focus on other tasks because you will save time on fewer payment-related calls.


Onboarding of Suppliers to your Network

Supplier Network GraphicThe supplier onboarding process involves providing the benefits of e-commerce and best practices to vendors to accelerate your relationships’ growth and improves customer experiences.


Supplier information provides value for every stage of the supply chain from sourcing, engineering, manufacturing to delivery and support.


Companies that are adopting Best Practices in supplier information management will gain a competitive advantage by ensuring that they have a comprehensive data set related to all partners with their supply chain.


Using high-performance computing and cloud infrastructure, vendors benefit from reducing cost, staff time, cycle times, wasted IT resources, resulting in increased profitability.


With a complete set of tools, customers can optimize their buying experiences in two ways: demand and budget.


Customers can specify their buying requests’ parameters, including customized products or services, following their requirements and resources.


Supplier Dashboards

benefits of a supplier network dashboardCompanies that choose the best supplier relationship management practices will be more successful in controlling their overall supply chain processes and spend. The vendor dashboard contains all of the tools that buyers need to efficiently manage their supply chains, including inventory control, order processing, order fulfillment, and service setup.


Enables procurement organizations to quickly identify suppliers that have the best records and meet their requirements. When properly integrated with e-commerce solutions, this web-based service allows an organization to better compete in the global marketplace, etc.


Keep in mind that your suppliers use a comprehensive toolset to process the order on their side of the relationship and send it to the manufacturing department, where the items are packed and delivered to end-users.


In this manner, businesses gain immediate access to the maximum number of quality suppliers that also serve as good channels for their products and services.


When an organization deploys good communication tools to inform all 3rd parties of their procurement etc., that written communication helps reduce risks and minimize maverick spend.



The advantages of utilizing a supplier network are most evident when compared to conventional, manual, buying, and marketing strategies.


Today, most organizations go to great lengths in creating a streamlined Supplier relationship management (SRM) system to take advantage of all aspects of internal purchasing analytics.


The ability to efficiently manage and track orders, internal demand triggers, and purchases give companies greater visibility into the buying activities of their enterprise around the world.


When a company has greater visibility into its buying habits, it can implement or change course if it finds the behavior is not congruent with its goals and objectives.


A well-implemented supplier network can help a company achieve several key business goals including improving its supplier management.


In essence, a well-chosen network provider can improve its bottom-line benefits by reducing costs, streamlining operations, and increasing productivity.


For these reasons, many procurement teams within enterprise organizations are starting to look towards the network of suppliers to improve their overall business performance.


But it is essential to understand how a supplier’s services and products influence the company’s bottom line and overall success. There is a lot to gain by making the right digital choices when choosing your supplier network. Empaur[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Joe Flynn is a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur who created Lavante, Inc. Lavante was started with the vision using Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and advanced Data Extraction techniques to transform the traditionally manual-based Account Payable Recovery industry. Lavante Was acquired by PRGX Inc. in November 2017. Joe is currently working on a new venture using Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to transform trade partner communications across the entire supply chain.