December 2018

tatement Audits – Uncover Lost Money within the Vendor Master File

Statement Audits – The Untapped Potential for Your Business. Statement auditing isn’t a new concept. It has been a part of the audit industry for quite some time. However, its traditional and manual processing nature limited wider use and true potential. Thanks to the unparalleled development of technology and fully automatized processes over the last decade, we’ve been given a unique chance of rediscovering and...

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Supplier Diversity Programs Tips

Supplier diversity programs are fast becoming a necessity in Enterprise businesses. It almost comes without saying that if you want to ensure competitiveness and a high-level of adaptability to the changing circumstances within all demanding markets, each and any business entity regardless of its shape or size is required to invest in new ways to improve their supplier diversity capabilities and capacities....

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Know Your Vendor Overview and Best Practices

Know Your Vendor overview and best practices Modern businesses face quite a few risks associated with an overwhelming number of financial transactions, where every single one of them presents a potential risk. So, what’s the best way to identify suspicious transactions on time, when you have to deal with the large number on a daily basis?...

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Build a Sales Team

Need to build a sale team? An efficient and flawlessly functioning sales team can do wonders for any organization. In fact, such teams are considered to be the “backbone” of most businesses. Understanding this practical truth, every business is keen on taking various measures to build a sales team that delivers numbers....

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Cloud Based Vendor Portals

Cloud-Based Vendor Portals pricing models explored. With the development of the modern IT industry, people have a plethora of options when they search for software solutions for their businesses. Unlike a few years ago, you do not need to stick to licensed software; but can think of Software as a Service (AKA SaaS) in the industry....

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Woman Owned Business

n the world оf buѕinеѕѕ, wоmеn are соnѕidеrеd tо bе a minоritу rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf their race. Mаnу government соntrасtѕ and business аrrаngеmеntѕ rеԛuirе thаt a minimum percentage of business trаnѕасtiоnѕ be hаndlеd uѕing minority оwnеd buѕinеѕѕеѕ. For this rеаѕоn, gеtting a buѕinеѕѕ сеrtifiеd аѕ wоmаn-оwnеd саn be аdvаntаgеоuѕ and ореn uр nеw markets fоr goods аnd services....

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Ten Leadership Strategies for Young Entrepreneurs

Leadership strategies for young Entrepreneurs are an important element for the growth of a young company. Young minds have become known for their desire for immediate gratification. This is particularly so in their careers: Instead of waiting around for that big promotion, young professionals are choosing to make their very own executive positions by becoming entrepreneurs....

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